OnePlus 13 PJZ110/CPH2655/CPH2653 Unbrick Service

(5 customer reviews)


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OnePlus 13 Unbrick Service
PJZ110 China Firmware – Download from Here


CPH2653 EU Firmware Download from Here


CPH2655 NA FirmwareDownload from Here


OnePlus 13 PJZ110 Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File) can be used to resolve various software problems on your OnePlus 13 PJZ110. This includes issues like freezing on the logo, FRP reset, fixing a stuck Fastboot mode, bootloop (Lost Fastboot – Lost Recovery), stuck in EDL mode (black screen), or a white screen and even dead devices after flashing.

How to Unbrick OnePlus 13

  1. Extract The ROM File & tool in same folder
  2. Install Qualcomm_Drivers_QDLoader driver on your computer
  3. Login OplusFlashTool.exe
OnePlus 13 PJZ110 unbrick
  1. Select Firmware
  2. Click “Start” button
  3. OnePlus 13 EDL Mode
  4. Conect Phone to PC, Enter EDL Mode
  5. OnePlus 13 firmware flash
  6. Wait until success, once done. Unplug device and switch it ON >>>Done All
Qualcomm, MTK platform – USB driver installation
  • Download the driver file for OnePlus 13 Unbrick from Here
  • Double-click to install (the default path does not need to be changed)
  • Pop up a security window (always allow installation)
  • Select restart the computer now
  • Complete

OnePlus 13 unbrick

  1. Connect one end of the USB cable to your PC.
  2. Then connect the other end to your device.
  3. Now press and hold the Volume Up, Volume Down. after the software launches, remove your hands (or when you see qualcomm 9008 appear in device manager)
    OnePlus 13 EDL 9008




5 reviews for OnePlus 13 PJZ110/CPH2655/CPH2653 Unbrick Service

  1. malik

    5 stars service i know where to comeback next time

  2. Vivienne

    after buying this device i had some issue with OTA update i was recommended to flash the device in edl to be able to receive updates so i used this service and im glad i did OTA updates works and this guy is very professional patient and quick

  3. Cecilia

    Life saver guy here very professional and fast very friendly as well

  4. Konrad

    Service 10/10, I recommend.

  5. tenhoka

    Very goog service for me.
    Thank You very much +++++

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